“Human Events Daily” host Jack Posobiec called for the arrest of former Uvalde School District Police Chief Pete Arredondo, who recently resigned from his City Council position after evidence indicating that police had the opportunity to stop the Robb Elementary shooter in his tracks 45 minutes earlier than they did.
Arredondo said he was stepping down from his position citing a desire to “minimize further distractions.”
Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center (ALERRT)’ found, amongst other things, that the gunman was allowed to enter the school despite one officer having the shooter within his rifle sights. The officer was not given clearance to shoot at the target.
“One of the initial reports is out now in Uvalde about the police situation that took place there, and now obviously we know the school shooting took place, but this report specifically is into the police response,” said Posobiec, referring to the ALERRT report.
“In this instance, the UPD officer would have heard gunshots and/or reports of gunshots and observed an individual approaching the school building armed with a rifle. A reasonable officer would conclude in this case, based upon the totality of the circumstances, that use of deadly force was warranted,” the ALERRT center wrote in the report.
That officer told investigators that he was concerned about hitting another child if he missed the shot, but ALERRT noted that the Texas Penal Code says “an individual is justified in using deadly force when the individual reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary to prevent the commission of murder.”
“The police chief down there has resigned. We called for his resignation immediately,” said Posobiec. “At this point, I’m going to go ahead and call for it, he should be behind bars for what he did.”
ALERRT wrote that there was an obvious chance that officers would be shot be going into the classroom, injured, or even killed while responding. “This is something that every officer should be acutely aware of when they become a law enforcement officer,” the center wrote.
“This happened on your watch. You were in the hallway, sir. You were in the hallway while this took place. 45 minutes you stood there, trying to ‘coordinate’ between agencies. You have to go in, you have to stop the threat, stop the killing. This isn’t the time to sit back and worry about procedures. No,” said Posobiec.
“If you broke procedure for that, I would say… ‘please, please sue me or come after me for breaking procedure to go save children. Please come after me for that.’ It’s about lack of leadership, lack of courage, lack of human agency,” he concluded.