Water main breaks close schools in Troy, Guilderland

TROY, N.Y. (NEWS10) — KIPP Troy Prep Middle and High School are closed Tuesday, due to a water main break. A spokesperson for KIPP Capital Region said the schools were shuttered before the first bell, and the closure was communicated to parents as soon as administrators got word of the issue.

City public works crews are still working to repair the break. School cannot be held when pipes burst, as there is no running water available for the cafeteria or bathrooms.

Officials did not say when they expect water service to be restored. For more information, call the KIPP main offices at (518) 694-9494.

In Albany County, earlier this morning, contractors working on the construction site across from Farnsworth Middle School broke a water main. This caused the water department to shut off the water supply to Farnsworth Middle School.

Because the school will not have water, it will also be closed on Tuesday. Buses will be returning students to their pick-up points.

Administrators said parents and guardians who have already dropped students off at school should pick up their children as soon as possible. Building staff will stay at the school until all students have been picked up.